Our harsh Minnesota winter weather can cause our skin to lose its natural oils’ leaving it dry, flaky and even itchy. For many of us, colder weather can also worsen more challenging and genetic skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. The good news is that wintertime is a great time to refresh your dry, itchy skin with a laser skin treatment. During the winter, your skin doesn’t have an active tan so it the safest and most effective time for a laser treatment such as the Forever Young BBL™. This BBL™ (BroadBand Light) procedure isn’t just a beauty treatment. It’s also a preventative regimen, making it possibly the best investment you can make for your skin right now. It’s important for all of us to protect our skin from the sun and environmental damage that adds up over time and accelerates the aging process of our skin.
With the Forever Young BBL™ treatment you’ll see immediate results for pigmented skin lesions such as moles, age (liver) spots and freckles, as well as, for vascular lesions such as birthmarks, and small veins.
Long term results have also been clinically proven with regular BBL™ treatments. At the end of a 10-year clinical study (where most patients received multiple BBL™ treatments per year for an average of 10 years) doctors judged the patients to appear 11 years younger than their actual age. In other words, they looked younger than they did when the study began 10 years earlier! More information is available on this study at www.sciton.com.
For more information on what you can expect from a Forever Young BBL™ treatment make an appointment for a free consultation. Our licensed esthetician will be able to answer any questions you have and make recommendations that are right for your skin.